The secret to rapid healing is reframing your thoughts and then envisioning you BEING your updates self for 3 minutes. This will change the paths of your mind.

Healing Toolbox

  • Stop. Drop. Role Play

    Emotions over-taking you? This is the all-in-one healing tool for mental and emotional trauma. Before starting, think of your most beloved person… you’re going to need them to help you.

  • Vitamin B3

    Ever get stuck between knowing better and doing better? This is the perfect tool to upgrade your thinking so you can train your thoughts to work for your benefit and not against you. Repeating beneficial thoughts creates new pathways in the brain, which allows the old paths to become forgotten.

  • Emotional Control Panel

    This amazing tool was created to regulate emotions within a few minutes. An added benefit is that you learn yourself more through your emotions with this tool. Every emotion points to a value. Your values are what define who you are.

  • Mind Exercise

    Meditation is exercise for the mind. Every healing tool is powerful, but you must practice using it. How amazing to practice BEFORE a real scenario… that’s one of the amazing benefits of mediation- what we focus our mind on can form our future.